Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Digg Link Test

I'm going to try to use this post to explain the use of my Digg link and illustrate it. I have no idea if this will work or not since I'm not used to working with Blogger. I do my blog in WordPress.

I attempted to add the Digg link text but it converts it to code so that won't work. You'll have to look at the html to see it.

The code is below including the edits. Since I sent you the original base code, you can see what the differences are. I've checked it and the button works for this post. Just remember to use the URLEncoder I sent you for everything you will add in the eidts.

I hope this all makes sense.

One last thing. Make sure, when you finish editing the Digg link text that you don't save the changes! That is very important because if you save the changes it will much more difficult to make the changes for the next post since there will be lots more stuff in it.
Digg It!

1 comment:

Rosemary Welch said...

Thank you so very much! I put one up on the side to remind me that I have to do it everytime. All I have to do is look at my template's (above the 'Link' section) to see what you did. lol. If you would like to mess around and practice, feel free to use this blog.